Qibao Sambo Robots and Youkang Signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement to Expand Smart Healthcare Industry

On January 11, 2017, Qiyi Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Youkang Health Management Co., Ltd. held a grand strategic cooperation signing ceremony at Qiqi Technology Headquarters. The theme of this signing event was “Smart Escort, You Health Chairman of the Board of Directors Lin Lude and Zhang Youping of Youkang Co., Ltd. jointly attended the meeting and determined that the first batch of robots will be delivered in the first quarter of 2017. Prior to this, Youkang had joint efforts with Sambo to try to introduce intelligent robots into its community health centers, improve the service capabilities of the community health centers, and improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment guidance mechanism, which achieved a double harvest of benefits. This formal signing of the contract will signify that both parties will bring new smart medical solutions to jointly open up a new pattern of smart healthcare industry.

The flagship science and technology leadership team and the Youkang stock leadership team took a photo of Sanbao to bring smart medical solutions to open up the smart medical and health industry. With the continuous deepening of the Internet, when information technology is immersed in every aspect of the medical industry, medical data begins to fluctuate. Medical services are inevitably affected, and business forms are gradually being transformed and upgraded. The Sambo platform robots carry intelligent medical solutions and aims to build an information environment where medical resources are connected and aggregated, health data is integrated and interactive, and the promotion of medical and health services is oriented towards people-oriented development, which creates a smart medical health industry. "Sambo intelligent medical robot" is custom-developed based on "Sambo platform robots". It utilizes the openness advantages of platform robots to customize implants with tens of thousands of effective medical contents. It will customize function modules for specific application medical health scenes. , Perform different guidance, diversion, care, emotional comfort, timed reminding, health data management and other functions in different medical and health scenarios. Through the deep customization of robot development and design solutions, Sambo meets the needs of the medical industry. The medical industry provides more intelligent and professional services. Qiqi Technology signed a contract with Youkang to carry out Zhongqi Qi Technology as the leading artificial intelligence technology company in China. This time, it led the leading domestic leading company in comprehensive medical services for Internet health, Youkang, and jointly led the development of robot + smart medical and health industry. It is bound to become a catalyst for the accelerated development of the industry! With the application of “Robotic + Smart Medical,” the Smart Community Health Center will soon popularize the current medical system. On the one hand, outpatient doctors in large hospitals will bear the workload of overload; on the other hand, the best and scarce medical resources will be used to respond. A large number of common and frequently-occurring diseases caused a serious waste of resources, which also greatly affected the order of diagnosis and treatment and exacerbated the “difficulty of seeing a doctor”. This time, Youkang teamed up with Sambo platform robots to build "Internet + smart medical care," and promoted the classification and treatment of intelligent robots at the medical center of primary medical care centers. It will focus on improving the medical level services of primary hospitals and allow patients to voluntarily accept the "first-level clinic visits." Build a smart healthcare system. Under the new smart medical system, we will use the advantages of the Sapporo platform's robotic hardware application and use cloud computing, the Internet, the Internet of Things, and big data technology to develop network-based, remote, and intelligent cloud health services, and establish an efficient hierarchical medical treatment system. The two-way referral model rationally diverted the source of disease and built a new pattern of smart healthcare. Chairman of Qihan Technology signed a photo contract with the chairman of Youkang to promote the popularization of family doctors, and comprehensively deepened the reform of the medical industry. With the development of the times, the concept of “family doctor” was gradually mentioned by users. The family doctor not only has a comprehensive system. The knowledge of prevention, health care, medical care, and rehabilitation can also provide timely and effective services. As a new type of medical consultant, “family doctors” are expected to become the mainstay of future medical services. This time, Qianfeng and Youkang’s strong alliance will also apply mobile internet and smart hardware to the family doctor's contract and use the community health center's robots to fully help the community health center to popularize the basic knowledge of family doctors. Introducing the concept of wisdom into the development of signing contracts for family doctors at community health centers will not only promote the overall signing rate of family doctors in community health centers, but also promote the reform of the medical and health system, respond to national policies, and better safeguard the health of the people. The "Sambo intelligent medical robots" based on customized platform robots will also fully promote the smart medical model of family doctors, accelerate the implementation and optimization of community health services, and allow smart medical care to gradually become a reality. More than 200,000 community health centers in the country and hundreds of thousands of hospitals have upgraded their smart medical industry to a large market. Companies and organizations that are interested in developing smart medical industries are worthy of continuous investment in resources and research and development to upgrade smart devices and services. To achieve the ultimate goal of harmonious medical care, efficient medical care, and satisfactory medical care.

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